Thursday, March 10, 2011

Boom Wining. Duh.

The new movie staring Charlie Sheen and his tiger blood and Adonis DNA! The premise of the story is about a normal guy, named Sharlie Cheen, who was on a very successful television show, making 1 million dollars an episode. He was such an epic that he quit from the show, made his own radio/YouTube channel. Then he visited his shoalin monk, and he gave him a choice of two pills. One was a gummy bear that was said to take you back in time, or a pill called Charlie sheen that makes peoples head split and burn to death. Sharlie chose the second one, because he can take any bit of any pain in the world. When he took this pill, his arms showed his tiger blood type, his arms had the power to shoot fire, and his mouth could spew out killer rainbows. Sharlie then got found by the U.S air force, and they were attacking the new superhero, The Cheen. Sharlie destroyed the air force and went back home to his roman goddess wife. A normal day for Sharlie Cheen. And that is an exsert from this epic movie!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

New Sport... APRIL FOOLS

Yes kiddies, they have come out with yet another sport to follow. not that you have already got enough, i mean football, basketball, baseball, soccer, too many right? wrong, now that there is yet another sport in the bracket. It is called "Nohandsball." this new sport is called this because you simply us no hands! the premise of the game is that no one can use their hands in this game, except for the goal keeper of course. what there is on each team is no more than eleven team members, and this consists of offenders, defenders and a goalie. the offenders use mainly there feet to "dribble" so to speak the ball to the opponents goal, trying to score on their goalie. then the defenders usually stay back encase the other team steals the ball and goes towards their goal. And then there is the goalie, the goalies job is the keep the other team from scoring on them. this game goes on for two halves and ends after them and the team with the most points wins!

FaceBook Zit... APRIL FOOLS

You all know by now what facebook is, it is a very famous and successful social networking site. Most everyone today has a facebook account, and it is a world wide phenomenon. It is used to talk to family, friends, and to inform your friends whats up. But, what if I told you that Facebook is infected. It is infected with a virus that is being called the "Facebook Zit," what it does is right when you log on with your account you get a message from "the Creator" as he calls himself. this message says that something is wrong with Facebook, and he is posing as the creator of facebook. what he says he is doing is getting everyones username and password so that he can give them back to them when facebook is fixed. This message is sent to everyone on facebook every minute they are online, so you should NOT log onto facebook until this is fixed. this is a scam, and over 90,000 users around the globe have already gotten their accounts taken by "the creator." Again, just to make this clear to everyone, DO NOT SIGN ONTO FACEBOOK!! if you do you are risking losing your account and risking others losing theirs.

Golf no longer a sport... APRIL FOOLS!

"Finally!!" quoted by an avid golf player, "I was getting bored myself," says tiger woods. Yes, golf is finally not a real sport anymore! People have been saying for years how golf should no longer be a sport, and the professional golf association(PGA) has finally taken notice. quoted by the board of administrators,"this 'sport' is too boring to be categorized as a sport," and,"I was getting bored just commentating on the games, I had to have at least 20 cups of coffee to stay awake during games." The golf association said that the sport was too "boring" and that it took completely no skill. They also said the game replied too much on "luck" and "the wind." Quoted by the "Big Boss" of golf at a meeting,"golf is so easy, a caveman could play it." Before the professional golf association even thought of taking golf off the Richter scale, the players even took notice. they got people to sign petitions to stop golf from being a sport, they got over 9,000 signatures! that's a lot of ink. After the players got that, they gave it to the association, the had multiple meeting on the idea, and decided to delete golf from existence. "you could still play golf," says one of the many petition signers,"but nobody would really want to."

Beckhams new tattoo...

So, did anyone hear about David Bechams new tattoo? Well, he got a new tattoo on his chest, it shows Jesus being carried by three cherubs into the pearly gates gates of heaven. Does this mean that Beckham is getting a better insight into religion? no one knows, but what we do know about his new tat is from a video that Beckham posted onto his facebook page. On this video he mentions how the cherubs reminded him of his sons, and how "they will have to look after me one day," Beckham says. this single tattoo took two long sessions with a tattoo artist, one taking 8 hours, the other, 4 hours.